"10 Taka Health Services" is an initiative launched to provide affordable healthcare to citizens in Bangladesh. It aimed to make basic healthcare services accessible to people for a nominal fee of 10 Bangladeshi Taka, which is a meager cost. The program aimed to ensure that even the poorest individuals could access essential healthcare services without facing significant financial barriers.

The services covered under this program typically included basic medical consultations like Diabetic tests, blood pressure Measure, Weight Measure, and Pregnancy Test. The goal was to improve healthcare access, particularly in rural and underserved areas, where many people might otherwise not have access to quality healthcare.

It's important to note that the availability and scope of such programs may vary by region and change over time. Therefore, I recommend checking with local healthcare authorities or the government of Bangladesh for the most up-to-date information on the "10 Taka Health Service" and its current status and services provided.